Press & Media

Faux SMS et arnaques en ligne : le nouveau terrain de jeu des ados“. Our founder Thomas Damonneville explains how, in France, scammer groups have organized the sale of various services to make it easier to launch massive phishing campaigns, without the need for technical knowledge, on L’Express. (March 6 2024)

[French] Arnaque aux faux conseillers bancaires“. Our founder Thomas Damonneville explains how scammers use phishing pages to obtain your personal data, then make a call pretending to be your bank advisor and scam you., on France Television. (February 22 2024)

[French] Les nouvelles arnaques aux SMS : comment éviter le hameçonnage ?“. Our founder Thomas Damonneville explains how to recognize and avoid an attempted scam, on Radio France International. (February 22 2024)

[French] Plongée dans la fabrique des nouvelles arnaques par SMS” An investigation by Libération into the organized networks of French scammers and their methods with the help of StalkPhish. (January 30 2024)

[French] Comment des cybercriminels automatisent le “allo”, cette méthode d’hameçonnage vocal“. French guy selling a bot service to retrieve the second authentication factor from the victim’s bank account, based on a StalkPhish study, by ZDNet France. (January 29 2024)

[French] Deux suspects arrêtés dans une affaire d’arnaque en ligne basée sur du hameçonnage“. Two suspects arrested in phishing-based online scam, relating a Stalkphish study on phishing impersonating ANTAI in France, by ZDNet France. (January 4 2024)

[French] Les arnaques par SMS se multiplient à cause de ces kits clés en main simplistes“. Read this Numerama article, on the industrialization of phishing campaigns by french actors. (July 17 2023)

[French] “J’ai infiltré un réseau d’arnaqueurs au SMS“. We took part in Micode’s latest survey on SMS/phishing scams, showing the technical ecosystem and the different “specializations” of the actors involved in this type of scam (in French). (May 30 2023)

[French] Kit d’hameçonnage clés en main, formations, marchés ouverts… La délinquance en ligne devient de plus en plus accessible. This AEF Info article looks back at 2 presentations at the 2023 CoRIIN conference, including one by Stalkphish. (April 17 2023)

[French] Carte vitale, vignette Crit’air, livraison de colis… Derrière les arnaques par SMS, des escroqueries en kit montées par des voleurs parfois adolescents. Read this FranceInfo investigation, about French scammers groups, in which we participated. (March 6 2023)